For reflow ovens and wave solder systems, water-based
Based on the MPC® Technology, VIGON® RC 101 was specifically developed to remove all types of baked-on flux residues from reflow and wave solder equipment. It reliably removes re-condensated fluxes and emissions from assemblies.
Advantages compared to other cleaners:
- Has no flash point and therefore can be applied directly onto cold or warm surfaces (30 – 40 °C / 86 – 104 °F)
- The medium does not contain any ingredients, which could leave residues on the oven surfaces. This avoids harmful condensations on the assembly surfaces after restarts
- Due to the short soaking time, a quick and efficient cleaning process can be achieved and long machine downtimes can be avoided

Area of Specific Application:
- Reflow oven cleaning
- Wave solder machine cleaning
- Tool cleaning
- Manual Cleaning
- Automated cleaning of conveyor fingers in wave solder ovens
- Baked-on fluxes
- Fumigation contamination
- MPC Technology